
10 Different ways to tie a scarf in your hair

15 Oktober 2016   Tips dan Trik

1. Forehead scarfImage: Allison Pynn/SheKnowsBegin by folding a scarf, longways, so it's about 3 inches in width.Wrap the scarf around your forehead.Tie the scarf to the back of your head, not on the side, to avoid looking like the Karate Kid.2. Head scarfImage: Allison Pynn/SheKnowsStretch out a la...
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10 New Hijab Tutorials

15 Oktober 2016   Tips dan Trik

10 New Hijab Tutorials to TryIf you're a hijabi, chances are you often find yourself getting bored with your current hijab style. For some of us who have been wearing hijab for years, we might have settled upon a standard style that's quick and easy, and requires little to no effort.But that doesn't...
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13 Super Stylish Ways to Tie A Scarf

15 Oktober 2016   Tips dan Trik

1. French KnotI discovered this French twist last winter and still love it! Just fold the scarf in half put it around your shoulders. Take one loose end piece and pull it over and under the scarf loop. Take the second end piece and go under and over the same loop.2. Knotted NecklaceWrap the scarf be...
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Tips and trick for Crossbody Bag / Tas Selempang

10 Oktober 2016   Tips dan Trik

Ada banyak cara untuk menggunakan tas selempang atau crossbody bag.Bentuknya yang fleksibel membuat kamu bisa memadukannya dengan segala jenis outfit. Berikut ini tips 7 gaya stylish untuk kamu pecinta crossbody bag!1. Denim on DenimDenim on DenimMemadukan warna yang sama pada outfit kamu bisa membu...
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Tips & Trick Tampil Fashion yang chick!

18 Mei 2016   Tips dan Trik

Buat kalian cewe yang fashionable abis pasti pengen selalu terlihat kece dan cool dong disetiap even acara yang kalian datengin. So…jangan sampai salah gaya atau keliatan sembrawut alias tabrak sana sini, mempadupadankan sesuatu agar always looks fashionable sangat penting loh dalam hal ini biasa ...
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